One Stop Beauty School is the perfect place to start if you want to begin an esthetics or nail technology career. Our beauty school is an extension of our beloved One Stop Beauty Salon, which began in 2011 as a salon on the corner of Division and Kostner on the west side of Chicago. Our goal has always been to provide personal care services in one place, hence our name, "One Stop."
In 2021, we expanded our services to a second location. With that expansion, we realized a need for quality education and training in the beauty industry. Our Esthetics & Nail Technology Beauty School was born out of that need. We proudly offer a comprehensive education in esthetics and nail technology.

"Give a man a fish, he can eat one day. Teach a man to fish, he can eat a lifetime." If we teach a person a skill, they can take care of themselves and their family, for a lifetime."
At One Stop Beauty School, our students deserve the best education and training in the industry. That is why we provide top-notch instruction from experienced professionals. We design our classes to teach students the skills they need to succeed in the beauty industry. We also focus on developing the business skills necessary to run a successful salon.
We are committed to providing our students with the tools and knowledge they need to flourish in their profession, and we take pride in the success of our graduates. We look forward to helping you achieve your goals and succeed in the exciting and dynamic world of beauty.

In a vastly connected world through social media, we are still very disconnected. The beauty industry is one of the few industries that continues to provide one-on-one, direct personal contact. A profession with the power to help others feel beautiful.

Our facility also hosts advanced workshops by industry influencers from around the country. This exposes the Chicago market to new trends and products.
We set up free manicure booths at community events to expose our students to working under pressure. Our student salon also allows clients to book appointments with students, which greatly contributes to their hands-on learning and skill.

Every lotus has to struggle through mud and murky water, before they can bloom into a beautiful, resilient flower.
Established in 2021 as a 501 (c)(3) organization, we also raise money to offer scholarships to those who are in a Reentry and/or Recovery programs to attend One Stop Beauty School and become a licensed Nail Technician. The foundation’s mission is to select a "Lotus Scholar" to learn a skill and earn an honest living, while finding their purpose in life: helping others feel beautiful.